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However, she reluctantly accepts the changes in her life. During the car ride home with her new parents, the woman tells Bet that having an adult daughter is a blessing.When they arrive at their house, the woman, who pretends to be Bet's mother, gives her a tour of the house and prepares a bedroom for her. Despite all the kindness shown by her adoptive mother, Bet can't shake off the feeling that she is still an outsider. The next morning, she overhears her adoptive parents arguing, and she learns from her adoptive father that they have a biological child. As if this wasn't enough to make her feel like an outcast, Bet also faces rejection and bullying from her classmates due to her love for knowledge and chess.Nonetheless, Bet perseveres and finds joy in little things. She never forgets the memories of her past, of witnessing her mother's tragic drowning, but she holds onto her talent for chess and becomes known as the queen of the game. She finds solace in the chess club at school, where she meets like-minded individuals and feels a sense of belonging.At times, Bet still struggles with the emotional scars of her childhood trauma, but she learns to cope with them. She embraces the little joys and triumphs in her life, cherishing every moment. And while her future may still seem uncertain, Bet has found her passion and purpose in life through the game of chess. The little girl who once lost everything now has a place where she belongs and a talent that makes her stand out. As she settles into her new home, Bet is reminded of her adoptive mother's words about the blessing of having an adult daughter. She feels grateful for the love and care her new parents provide, but soon, she uncovers a shocking truth about their past. It turns out that they had a child of their own who passed away, and they never spoke of it. Despite this revelation, Bet continues to adjust to her new family and school. However, fitting in is not easy for her. Her classmates are not like her - she is different. Her love for knowledge and passion for chess make her stand out, and she often faces rejection and bullying because of it. But Bet does not let these challenges bring her down. She holds onto her talent and finds joy in the little triumphs, even though she faces hardships along the way. Bet's past still lingers in her mind, and the memory of her mother's tragic death haunts her. She still remembers the moment her mother drowned in front of her eyes, unable to save her. It is a painful memory that she carries with her, but she finds solace in the game of chess. In the game, she can control her moves and outcomes, unlike in real life. Driven by her determination and passion for chess, Bet starts competing in various tournaments. Slowly, she gains recognition as a talented player and even earns the title of "queen of chess." Though she may never fully escape the trauma of her past, Bet finds a sense of purpose and belonging in the game that she loves. It becomes her refuge, her safe haven. She proves to herself and others that even in the face of tragedy, one can find strength and happiness. As Bet continues to grow and thrive in her new family, she learns valuable lessons about love, acceptance, and forgiveness. She realizes that her adoptive parents' love for her is unconditional, and their past does not define them. They may have made mistakes, but they have also shown her endless love and support. Bet also learns to forgive those who have hurt her, understanding that everyone has their own struggles and pain. In the end, Bet's journey as an adopted daughter has been tough, but it has also been rewarding. She has found a new family and a passion for chess that gives her purpose and joy. Her adoptive mother's words ring true - having an adult daughter is truly a blessing, and Bet is grateful for every moment she gets to spend with her new family.

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